Proceso de desarrollo de aplicaciones móviles Android y iPhone Doonamis

Our experience in mobile app development has allowed us to continually define very clear and operational work processes. Following them step by step ensures we deliver top product quality and establish a successful basis for commercialization.

  • The process begins with the presentation of the idea  by our client in a requirements analysis meeting.
  • In this same meeting or in a subsequent one, there will be a brainstorming session to set the foundations which will clearly determine the final application.
  • The result of these previous steps is a functional document , which will describe the full workflow of the application and the system. Each requirement will be enumerated, which allows us to keep track of the development process, change management and testing. The client must approve this document because it forms the basis for the entire project.
  • From the functional document, we develop a visual prototype of the application. We are then able to evaluate the navigation and general appearance. To do this, we recommend usability testing.
  • The usability test consists in distributing the application prototype  to trusted users for them to evaluate its operability and their experience. Depending on the obtained results, improvements and modifications will be applied to the prototype. Doonamis offers the possibility of finding the best choice of test users with the desired profile (young people, middle aged, seniors, etc.).
  • Once the application prototype is approved, the development and programming of the solution begins.
  • After this, unit and integration testing is performed to validate the product works as expected. Stress tests are included to ensure the desired throughput is achieved when made available to all users.
  • Once the solution is complete, the applications are published in the different application markets (Apple Store / Google Play). We can publish the application on behalf of Doonamis or on behalf of the client. Should the second option be chosen, we offer the service of handling the publishing rights and permissions of the client as developer in the selected application markets.
  • After the application is published, the process of customer acquisition begins. Doonamis offers marketing services like press releases, advertising space, or social network viral marketing.
  • Finally, feedback must be retrieved from the users in order to consider what can be improved. For this, user emails are collected, as well as their comments in the application markets. Additionally, at Doonamis we integrate control tools (Google Analytics Mobile, Flurry, MixPanel…), which allow us to analyse user behaviour within the application to decide which features make sense and which do not.

The development process is cyclical, because once we have the customer feedback and attain those necessary improvements, the functional analysis should be reviewed and the process reopened.

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